Biomedical Engineering (BME) at NJIT is among the top producers of BME degrees in the region with over 400 undergraduate, 100 masters and 40 PhD students.
The Ph.D. is a joint program with the Graduate School of Biomedical Science at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. The masters degree allows for a custom program to meet the needs of the student. The graduate program was ranked in 2010 by the National Research Council 26th out of 76 BME PhD programs nationally in curriculum quality and student accomplishment. The undergraduate program is ABET accredited and attracts a diverse student body with the highest GPA and SAT scores among NJIT admits. The undergraduate curriculum features:
a pre-health profession track for students pursuing a medical school or health profession career
co-op and internship opportunities with adapted curriculum
a clinical summer observership at a local hospital
studio teaching and small class sizes limited to 30
dedicated student design studios with manufacturing capability
many research opportunities for masters and undergraduates
BME has 13 tenured/tenure-track faculty with plans to grow to 18 in the next five years. It is a research active department in the areas of head injury biomechanics, neuro-rehabilitation, direct brain interfacing, biomedical imaging, neural signal processing, cellular/molecular tissue engineering, and biomaterials forming a comprehensive neural engineering research that spans cellular to systems. BME has a rapidly growing research portfolio, with external funding approaching $5 million in total research expenditures.
BME has the vision of integrating education with research where students at all levels leave with training that will foster their success in academia or industry. In particular, faculty are dedicated to supporting the participation of undergraduates in research outside the classroom supported by faculty grants, a NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates site, IEEE EPICS, VentureWell, Provost Summer Research Scholarships and the Ronald E. McNair Achievement Program.