Board of Visitors
Industrial Advisory Board
Carla Cerqueira '06 - Manager
Edwards Lifesciences, LLC - carla_cerqueira@edwards.com
Pedro Cruz - Director, Regional Quality and Regulatory Compliance
Getinge Group - pedro.cruz@getinge.com
Michael Florentino - Senior Manager
Stryker Orthopedics - mike.florentino@stryker.com
Dr. Stuart Geffner - Transplant Surgeon
Saint Barnabas Medical Center - stuart.geffner@rwjbh.org
Dr. Raj K. Gupta - Deputy Director
US Army Medical Research and Material Command - raj.k.gupta.civ@mail.mil
Ketan Gujarathi '11 - Manager
Bristol-Myers Squibb - ketan.gujarathi@bms.com
John S. Crombie '91 - President
UpStart Product Development - jcrombie@upstartpd.com
Dr. Feng Luo - Associate Medical Director
Bristol-Myers Squibb - feng_luo@bms.com
Michael Naljayan '09, '10 - Data Operations Lead
Ethicon, Inc. - mvn1@mac.com
Emilio Sanchez - Senior Business Development Director
Stryker - emilio.sanchez@stryker.com
Dr. Ashutosh (Ash) Sharma - Chief Scientific Officer and V.P
Jeiven Pharmaceutical Consulting, Inc. - asharma@jeiven.com
Dr. Arda Ural - Industry Markets Leader, Health Sciences and Wellness
Ernst & Young, LLP - arda.ural@ey.com